Friday, October 24, 2014

Getting What You Want............

Can you get the things you want?

Can your dreams come true?

Can you reach your goals?

The answer is yes, Yes, YES!

How you ask
It’s all in your head...

 What you think and dwell on is what you are attracting to you. If you think about the bills and how can I pay them, you worry and think about the lack. Turn it around. Tell yourself that your glad that I have enough to pay these bills. There is plenty of money.  When this change of thought happens, when you go from lack to plenty your mind will attract the plenty. Stop thinking about where the money will come to thinking about the checks in the mail. “Money comes to me, I attract plenty”  When you leave the state of negative and enter into the positive your mind can attract positive things into your life.

Look to your spiritual influence for me that is God. Ask Him for guidance and to lead you.

Read good books that guide you and help you with your personal development.

I recommend reading these books

The Slight Edge - It helps you to choose the right things. The things that take you to the upper curve. Only 5% make this choice.
The Big Leap - What is your ULP - Upper Limit Problem. This helps you find your why of being stuck, fighting with loves one, when things are going great and then bad instantly. This book helps you to find your reasons. In chapter two it ask the hard questions if you answer them honestly, this can be hard. Keep READING! He walks you through this and I was amazed how he was talking to me. Which tells you we all have the same issues in slightly different forms.


 The  Success Principles - This book is not meant to be rushed through. Take your time do one or two principles a month. Work on them embrace the changes they are asking you to do.

Promptings - Is another great book. This book teachings you to follow your heart and when you get have a tug or a person cross your mind that is a promoting. Do something to remind them you care.

The War of Art - What is your resistance? What is keeping you from getting what you want? This book shows you the things you do to stop your success.


Change Anything - I’m reading this now. It has some WOW’s in it. I have been learning how those around us effect our will power. Did you know they speed up the music if the restaurant is busy so we will scarf our food. This teaches us how to be aware of those things.

I hope these help you too. That you can achieve your dreams and your goals come to life. 
Mine have been. I have hit ranks in my doTERRA business that I really didn’t see happening when I start out as a user (personal no sales). Now I’m all in. I will achieve my goals. My checks are bigger. 
I believe in positive thinking

Live your life to the fullest
It’s yours for the taking 
Don’t let others drag you down to where 
They are because they can’t handle you making it. 

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