On May 30th, I found a lump in my abdomen. It was the size of a softball and I could see it when I laid down. I went into the Dr. to see what it was. I was told by the first one that it was a hernia. I thought I would try some oils to support my body while I waited for the next visit to happen. I had to wait for a couple weeks to go see a surgeon. I went in to see him and he said it was an ovarian cyst. So changed my oil uses to hope and shrink it while we waited for the next step. So then I was sent to get an ultra sound. The second tech was full of drama over my ovaries. I still used my oils to support my body and hormones. They were on a bumpy ride. I was sent to a gynecologist but when she seen my ultrasound she referred me straight to the gyro surgeon.

The week of July 4th I was feeling a little wiped out. I started using
Copaiba, and
Tangerine. Then on Sunday I had my pastor pray over me using Frankincense. That afternoon I made a turn around. My energy was coming back. Monday morning I was so excited to be me.
She seen me then had me scheduled for surgery. So off to CT and they found a few more masses. Surgery was set for July 18th. We went into the hospital and they were prepping me to only have to cancel it because I was not told about an important step that had to be done.

I was ok with it because I believe God stopped it. He told me to give Him time. It was not my time yet.
What am I doing now?
- using my doTERRA essential oils
- eating very clean
- reading Medical Medium and Life - Changing FOODS by Anthony William
- Juicing celery
- I'm prepping for a cleanse.
- Energy work and a lot of prayers
So what is the results so far.
- I am full of peace.
- the mass is getting softer and shrinking
If you want some info on doTERRA please reach out. I am willing to chat about my story if you ever want. I will update as there is more info as to what is going on.