Juniper Berry might assist in detoxing.
It can be beneficial to for skin issues.
Historical uses over the centuries, juniper has been used for purification, physically and spiritually. It can assist with liver complaints.
Monoterpenes is the biggest Constituents in juniper berry.
- Purifying
- Antispasmodic
- Astringent
- Cleaner
- Detoxifier
- Diuretic
- Stimulant
- Tonic
The body system affected is the digestive system, nervous system, Skin and emotional balance.
Odor is a middle note (50-80% of the blend) It has a sweet, balsamic, tenacious scent. The intensity is a 3. It is an equalizer in blends.
I got this info from the “Modern Essentials”

Juniper is the oil of night. It helps those who have a fear of the dark or unknown aspects of themselves. It can help them to understand that their fears are the teachers. So instead of hiding from what you don’t understand, Juniper Berry encourages you to learn and face your fears. I have found, Juniper put on a pillow can help a child with night terrors.
There is so much info in the Emotions book that I think every one should have a copy if you are working with essential oils.
If you would like help I’m here to support you. Please reach out with any questions.