Monday, January 26, 2015

Motivation Monday.....


What does that word mean to you?

The dictionary says

: to accept or regard (something) as true
: to accept the truth of what is said by (someone)
: to have (a specified opinion)

Do you know that what you tell yourself your brain believes? If it hears you say; you can’t learn, your stupid, I’m an idiot. Well, guess what, it will work to prove you right. 

So lets start believing in yourself!

Your assignment, should you choose to do it.
I want you to start telling yourself: Preferably looking yourself in the eye in a mirror.
  • That you love yourself or your lovable. 
  • That you are a great person. 
  • That you are enough 
  • That you are perfect just who you are.
  • That you forgive yourself. (This was my hardest one to do. breath in geranium)
  • That you are AWESOME!
  • That you are a success
  • That you have got THIS!
Stop beating yourself up! Have you ever truly listened to your words. If the things I use to say to myself, someone said to my kids....... Well, lets just say they would be 10ft under...momma bear here.
Soooo, why then, is it okay to say those to ourselves. 

You were made beautiful and perfect in the eyes of the creator. He does NOT make mistakes and He does NOT make junk!!!! 
You are beautiful/handsome.
You are special.
You are smart.
You are perfect just the way you are!

Please... learn to LOVE YOURSELF!!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

DIY Bath Bombs

Bath Bomb Fun:

Why do you want to pay big money when you can make your own? They are really pretty easy and you get more then one.

  • 1 Cup Citric Acid
  • 1 Cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Cup Corn Starch
  • 1/2 Cup Fractionated Coconut oil (or Almond Oil)
  • 8-10 drops Essential Oil
Place citric acid, baking soda, corn starch and coconut oil in a bowl. Add essential oils. Mix well until a soft dough is formed.  It should have the consistency of damp sand. If mixtures is to wet add baking soda and corn starch if to dry add coconut oil. Put mixture into decorative molds or form into small balls. You can add relaxing essential oils or how about something that opens up the airways. 
 I like making smaller ones so I can do foot soaks with them. I’m not a bath kind of girl. In fact I have a huge 2 man tub that my turtle lives in., lol. Pokey is very happy in there. I have bought snowball makers how the bath size and meatball size to make my foot and toilet bomb size. Just search on Amazon to find them.
I hope you have fun and enjoy making them. I have classes where they get to make them around Christmas time and Mother’s day. They make great gifts to brighten a persons day.

If you are looking for pure Essential oils for you use you can check out my site at I would love to help you find your Happy Healthy life.

Would love to know what you think about them.

P.S. look for Citric Acid online This is where I found the best price.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Motivation Monday!!

Everyday we have choices to make. 

Do YOU really want what you desire most in this life? 

Then you really need to go after it. 
You need to take control of our distractions and jump into the boat. 
You will be left behind on the dock as others will not wait for you to get in. 
Make your decision today and grab on to your dreams so you can get off the dock. 

No more waiting! 
No more wishing and hoping!
No more of the “well maybe next year” “next time” thinking. 

Your future starts today

Post a comment telling me what you are going after. 
I will draw 2 names, for some Wild Orange essential oil. 
It will help you to stay in positive thinking mode. 
Did you know it is the oil of abundance? 
I will give you until next Sunday (25th) at midnight to comment. 
I will draw a name on Monday and post in the comments. 
Good Luck!
Now go get the life you want!!!

My boat is in the middle of the ocean so I can’t change my mind and 
get out of the boat when things get tough or hurt. 
This thinking has helped me to stay the course. 
I have dreams so big that they scare me but 
I’m so excited to get there and be able to help others change their lives too.

If you would like to talk how you can work on changing your life I’m here. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Wonderful Pasta Salad

Are you looking for a great salad to take to a potluck? This is such a tasty salad. Head over to the doTerra blog to get the recipe here,  essential recipe herbed pasta salad

The dressing works for other things too. This is such a yummy salad. It will be made again very soon.

If you need some basil oil head to my site to pick some up over at .
If you have any questions please ask if you want the best prices I can help there too and there is no minimum to buy EVER just once in 6 months keeps you active. I know WOW.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Physiology of Essential Oils

Would you like to now more on how the essential oils effect your body? On the doTERRA blog they have a great article.  Go check it out.

Do you need to warm up? Here is a fun recipe.

Have a great weekend. I would love to help you with any questions, please ask. is where you can find these wonderful oils.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Cinnamon Apple Chips

Are you looking for a lite snack for all those healthy New Years resolutions. You can try this recipe I found on the doTERRA blog. I love cinnamon oil so I’m a little bias. Another great flavor would be OnGuard the protective blend. 

Go here to get the recipe for the cinnamon apple chips on the doTERRA blog. 

If you dehydrated them instead of putting them in the oven you could leave the live fruit enzymes for an even better treat.

When you think you can’t do it.... Believe in yourself. I Believe in you and I know you have what it takes to make it through the hard times.

Read a book called “Change Anything” it is helping me to see how I need to change my thinking not my will power.

If you want more info about doTERRA check out my site

Valentines Day is Around the Corner

Valentine’s Day is here and that means either one of two things. Either you are excited for a fun romantic date out with your loved one ooo...